Cheap and Free Events in and around Bowling Green, Kentucky
for the week of June 14-20 (Monday through Sunday)
I got most of this information from SOKY Happenings Magazine, http://www.sokyhappenings.com,
I have picked just a few events per day. You can go to the websites to find even more events.
The WCVK Community Happenings Page is also a good events page. Here is the link: http://www.christianfamilyradio.com/view_happenings.php
Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays are Weekender Farm tour days at Chaney's Dairy Barn, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Find out more here: http://www.chaneysdairybarn.com/
The Bowling Green Public Library has many free and cheap events this month. Check them out here: http://www.warrenpl.org/Calendar/month.php
This week: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Thursday through Sunday at the renovated Van Meter Hall. More info: http://www.fountainsquareplayers.org/
Monday, June 14
Flag Day - hang your flag today!
Special class for women cancer patients - 1-3 p.m. The Medical Center Health and Wellness Center. Get their whole Calendar of Events here http://www.mcbg.org/healthandwellnesscenter/calframe.htm
CASA is putting on a movie today at 6-8 p.m. especially for people exiting the foster care system. It is called "Aging Out". Kids in care are also invited. You must RSVP 782-5353 (CASA Office) or call Irene Parker 303-1563.
Tuesday, June 15
Reptile Scales and Tales Main Library BG. This is a family event with live reptiles. Call 781-4882. Check time: 6:30 - 7:30. Bob Kirby Library.
The Amazing Night Sky - by Dr. Rachel Campbell. Hardin Planitarium, 7 p.m. Get there 15 minutes early. http://physics.wku.edu/planetarium/
Summer Evening Tour - half-price tickets to the Historic Railpark and Train Museum. 5-8 p.m. This info. is from SoKy Happenings. Call before going 745-7317.
Wednesday, June 16
BG Neighborhood Sewing Group meets 10-12 at the Warren County Extension Office on Nashville Road. Find out more: 991-4431. (Bring your sewing machine and basic supplies)
Concert in the Park - Fountain Square Park BG 12:00 noon, featuring Lyndsey Whitaker. 782-0222.
Thursday, June 17
Standard Flower Show - Free exhibit! 2-7 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 533 Ashmoor, BG.
Free movie at Great Escape Theater BG Monsters Vs. Aliens 9:30 a.m. (get there early for a seat). 782-3112.
The Amazing Night Sky - by Dr. Rachel Campbell. Hardin Planitarium, 7 p.m. Get there 15 minutes early. http://physics.wku.edu/planetarium/
Mystery Writer Tess Gerritsen 6 p.m. at WC Public Library 782- 0252. http://www.warrenpl.org
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Friday, June 18
Holly 8th NHRA Hot Rod Reunion Reception 7:00 p.m. Free - Sloan Convention Center BG 745-0088.
Standard Flower Show - Free exhibit! 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 533 Ashmoor, BG.
From the WCVK site: "Community Family Movie Night at New Life Free Methodist Church, 9016 Cemetery Rd., Bowling Green, will be June 18, 8 p.m. Guests are encouraged to come early and bring a lawn chair. Popcorn and drinks will be available. For more information call 799-0753."
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Saturday, June 19
Yoga in the Park, 8-9 a.m. Kereiakes Park near the Tennis Court, behind the shelter. Find out more: http://www.bgkiwanis.org/
Playground Yoga for Kids 2-6 and their caregivers or Grandparents. 9:15 a.m. - 10 a.m. Kereiakes Park near the Tennis Court, behind the shelter. Find out more: http://www.bgkiwanis.org/
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Bowling Green Superstar singing competition - Beech Bend 2:30 p.m. 781-7634 http://www.beechbend.com.
Sunday, June 20
Father's Day
BG Hot Rods - 2:00 p.m. Today kids can run the bases free. 901-2121, http://www.bghotrods.com.
Parents Skate Free with child admission today at the Skatebox Roller Skating Rink, 506 Three Springs Road, 843-3394.
The Amazing Night Sky - by Dr. Rachel Campbell. Hardin Planetarium, 3 p.m. Get there 15 minutes early. http://physics.wku.edu/planetarium/
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Make sure to double-check each event before attending, just in case.
Let me know YOUR cheap and fun events by commenting below. Later!
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Betsy's CGC, Bowling Green, Kentucky