Hi, all!
I hope you are having a great summer. It's true that South Central Kentucky has more events than ever that are free or cheap or at least worth it. And the 4th of July is coming up. Many people will be having family events or get-togethers with friends or clubs.
A big thank you goes out to all the Bowling Green blogs and papers that help post cheap and free events all the time for us. You can go directly to their sites at the end of this posting. I will be posting the events for the rest of the week later on today.
Here are some things to do for today, Sunday, June 27th:
Sunday, June 27: 3:00 p.m. Seven Brides of Seven Brothers is playing at BG Junior High School, 900 Campbell Lane. If you have never seen this play, you will really like it. It is a rollicking fun musical. Tickets are $14, $12, and $10. You can find out more here: http://www.fountainsquareplayers.org/.
1-3 The Annual Butterfly Celebration is being held today at Lost River Cave and Valley. This event is free. 393-0077. The event is at the Butterfly Habitat near the Cave. Free lemonade! Just ask anyone when you get there where the butterfly habitat is. You will take a short walk to get there. Find out more here: http://lostrivercave.com/events.html
Thank you, SOKY Happenings for these events. You can pick up a SOKY Happenings at many places, OR you can find them online here: http://www.sokyhappenings.com.
A note: always check each event before going to it in case of a typo or correction needed. Thanks!
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Betsy's CGC, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Showing posts with label Arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arts. Show all posts
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today's Events (Sunday, June 27)
Bowling Green,
Bowling Green Kentucky,
Lost River cave,
Musical today in Bowling Green,
South Central Kentucky
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Fun (also free or cheap) events in the Bowling Green, Kentucky area this week

Cheap and Free Events in and around Bowling Green, Kentucky
for the week of June 14-20 (Monday through Sunday)
I got most of this information from SOKY Happenings Magazine, http://www.sokyhappenings.com,
I have picked just a few events per day. You can go to the websites to find even more events.
The WCVK Community Happenings Page is also a good events page. Here is the link: http://www.christianfamilyradio.com/view_happenings.php
Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays are Weekender Farm tour days at Chaney's Dairy Barn, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Find out more here: http://www.chaneysdairybarn.com/
The Bowling Green Public Library has many free and cheap events this month. Check them out here: http://www.warrenpl.org/Calendar/month.php
This week: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Thursday through Sunday at the renovated Van Meter Hall. More info: http://www.fountainsquareplayers.org/
Monday, June 14
Flag Day - hang your flag today!
Special class for women cancer patients - 1-3 p.m. The Medical Center Health and Wellness Center. Get their whole Calendar of Events here http://www.mcbg.org/healthandwellnesscenter/calframe.htm
CASA is putting on a movie today at 6-8 p.m. especially for people exiting the foster care system. It is called "Aging Out". Kids in care are also invited. You must RSVP 782-5353 (CASA Office) or call Irene Parker 303-1563.
Tuesday, June 15
Reptile Scales and Tales Main Library BG. This is a family event with live reptiles. Call 781-4882. Check time: 6:30 - 7:30. Bob Kirby Library.
The Amazing Night Sky - by Dr. Rachel Campbell. Hardin Planitarium, 7 p.m. Get there 15 minutes early. http://physics.wku.edu/planetarium/
Summer Evening Tour - half-price tickets to the Historic Railpark and Train Museum. 5-8 p.m. This info. is from SoKy Happenings. Call before going 745-7317.
Wednesday, June 16
BG Neighborhood Sewing Group meets 10-12 at the Warren County Extension Office on Nashville Road. Find out more: 991-4431. (Bring your sewing machine and basic supplies)
Concert in the Park - Fountain Square Park BG 12:00 noon, featuring Lyndsey Whitaker. 782-0222.
Thursday, June 17
Standard Flower Show - Free exhibit! 2-7 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 533 Ashmoor, BG.
Free movie at Great Escape Theater BG Monsters Vs. Aliens 9:30 a.m. (get there early for a seat). 782-3112.
The Amazing Night Sky - by Dr. Rachel Campbell. Hardin Planitarium, 7 p.m. Get there 15 minutes early. http://physics.wku.edu/planetarium/
Mystery Writer Tess Gerritsen 6 p.m. at WC Public Library 782- 0252. http://www.warrenpl.org
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Friday, June 18
Holly 8th NHRA Hot Rod Reunion Reception 7:00 p.m. Free - Sloan Convention Center BG 745-0088.
Standard Flower Show - Free exhibit! 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 533 Ashmoor, BG.
From the WCVK site: "Community Family Movie Night at New Life Free Methodist Church, 9016 Cemetery Rd., Bowling Green, will be June 18, 8 p.m. Guests are encouraged to come early and bring a lawn chair. Popcorn and drinks will be available. For more information call 799-0753."
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Saturday, June 19
Yoga in the Park, 8-9 a.m. Kereiakes Park near the Tennis Court, behind the shelter. Find out more: http://www.bgkiwanis.org/
Playground Yoga for Kids 2-6 and their caregivers or Grandparents. 9:15 a.m. - 10 a.m. Kereiakes Park near the Tennis Court, behind the shelter. Find out more: http://www.bgkiwanis.org/
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Bowling Green Superstar singing competition - Beech Bend 2:30 p.m. 781-7634 http://www.beechbend.com.
Sunday, June 20
Father's Day
BG Hot Rods - 2:00 p.m. Today kids can run the bases free. 901-2121, http://www.bghotrods.com.
Parents Skate Free with child admission today at the Skatebox Roller Skating Rink, 506 Three Springs Road, 843-3394.
The Amazing Night Sky - by Dr. Rachel Campbell. Hardin Planetarium, 3 p.m. Get there 15 minutes early. http://physics.wku.edu/planetarium/
(Seven Brides - see top of blog)
Make sure to double-check each event before attending, just in case.
Let me know YOUR cheap and fun events by commenting below. Later!
Get an inexpensive web page or blog, lessons on software and how to use your computer, ESL (English as a Second Language) English and writing lessons, artist cards, graphic design, logo and form design, and more.
Betsy's CGC, Bowling Green, Kentucky
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- Affordable Family Vacations: Fun Things To Do In Kentucky (familytravel.suite101.com)
- Bill to make Corvette the Official Car of Kentucky killed to snub GM? (autoblog.com)
- Corvette Museum wants to build race track across the highway (autoblog.com)
- Blogger Jason Heflin (gadling.com)
Bowling Green Kentucky,
free and cheap events in and around Bowling Green,
South Central Kentucky
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
This week in and around Bowling Green, Kentucky June 2-12
Here are some neat events and things to do in and around Bowling Green Kentucky this week and next.
Look for more events to be added as I get them. These are from the What's Happening email news from the Bowling Green Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau and also from the Amplifier online site and the WCVK website.
"June 2 Concerts in the Park Series begins. Noon. This free event takes place Wednesdays in June at Fountain Square Park, Bowling Green, KY." For more information, call 782-0222 or click here.
June 3-6 OR 7 400 Mile Sale, This event is on Highway 68 across Kentucky from Paducah to Maysville from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. There will be antiques, collectibles, and all kinds of yard sale stuff for sale by the roads or in front of stores all along the route. You can go to the 400mile.com website for more information.
June 3-6 OR 7 400 Mile Sale, This event is on Highway 68 across Kentucky from Paducah to Maysville from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. There will be antiques, collectibles, and all kinds of yard sale stuff for sale by the roads or in front of stores all along the route. You can go to the 400mile.com website for more information.
June 3-6 Glasgow Highland Games - this is out of town but I have heard great things about it. There is music, games, dancing, food, and festival events. Call 651-3141 or visit the website at www.glasgowhighlandgames.com. You can also see more info. at the Amplifier online site here: More info.
"June 3-6 Bluegrass Jet Jam, Southern KY Model Aero Club"
Their website: http://www.skymacrc.com/.
Stahl Field. $5.00, children 12 and under are free. 792-5824. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
June 4 Bowling Green Gallery Hop, various galleries, museums and studio centers. It is from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. You can get maps to the various locations, galleries, and studios at the Visitors Bureau. It is located at 352 Three Springs Road. Find out more here: http://www.vsartsky.org/TheBowlingGreenGalleryHop.php/
Stahl Field. $5.00, children 12 and under are free. 792-5824. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
June 4 Bowling Green Gallery Hop, various galleries, museums and studio centers. It is from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. You can get maps to the various locations, galleries, and studios at the Visitors Bureau. It is located at 352 Three Springs Road. Find out more here: http://www.vsartsky.org/TheBowlingGreenGalleryHop.php/
From the website:
"Join Us: Friday, June 4th. Throw on your favorite Boots this Friday at 5PM! Cause in this city ... our boots are made for HOPPIN'! Be creative! Wear your favorite worn in, vintage or design and style your own boots! Make sure to snap a picture of you and your friends in your Hoppin' Boots and you may see yourselves in our next gallery hop publication! *(Email your name and digital images to galleryadmin@bellsouth.net)"
June 5 National Trails Day Celebration, Lost River Cave and Valley
http://www.lostrivercave.com/events.html. From the site:
"Time: The first event begins at 10:00 AM and events will occur periodically throughout the day until 3:00 PM. Cost: All Activities are Free. Lost River Cave is proud to announce its first annual event celebrating the beauty of nature trails all over the country! 393-0077.
Outdoor experts will host a variety of activities including family hikes, guided bike rides, a nature photography seminar and clinic, Geocaching 101, attracting Backyard Birds, and many more activities.
The first event begins at 10:00 AM and the plant pull, being the last event, begins at 3:00 PM!"
June 5: The Bowling Green League of Bicyclists have their Tour de Cave ride today. It begins at Oakland Elementary at 7:30 a.m. You can call 842-6211 or find out more at http://www.bglob.com and register at http://www.active.com.
June 5: The Bowling Green League of Bicyclists have their Tour de Cave ride today. It begins at Oakland Elementary at 7:30 a.m. You can call 842-6211 or find out more at http://www.bglob.com and register at http://www.active.com.
June 5: The Caveman Chorus will sing at WKU's Van Meter Auditorium today at 7:30. Also, Michigan Jake and the 80-man Music City Chorus of Nashville will also perform. Tickets are $12.50 for adults and $5. for students, in advance. For tickets and info. call 202-0515.
"June 5 Countryfied Harmony, Van Meter Auditorium" by the Caveman Chorus. 7:30 p.m. 202-0515. I could not find this on the WKU lineup. So call about it before you go to make sure. That goes for all the events, just in case. http://www.cavemanchorus.org
"June 5 Countryfied Harmony, Van Meter Auditorium" by the Caveman Chorus. 7:30 p.m. 202-0515. I could not find this on the WKU lineup. So call about it before you go to make sure. That goes for all the events, just in case. http://www.cavemanchorus.org
June 5: Today is Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill's Adventure Day. It is a day to explore and have fun with your family. Find out more here. You can see the schedule here. Many events are free, but some you need to pay for. You can also go to their site. To get information or to reserve a room at the Inn at Shaker Village, you can call 800.734.5611 or visit their website at www.shakervillageky.org.
June 5-6 This is Fee Free Days at Mammoth Cave National Park. Take a trip today and get in for free. They will also have limited free Historic Tours with tickets available at the Visitor Center. You may want to call first. 758-2180, http://www.nps.gov/maca
June 5-6 This is Fee Free Days at Mammoth Cave National Park. Take a trip today and get in for free. They will also have limited free Historic Tours with tickets available at the Visitor Center. You may want to call first. 758-2180, http://www.nps.gov/maca
June 7: the Summer Reading program kicks off at Parker Bennett Curry Elementary School today at 1:30 at the school gym. A new prize will be given to a lucky child 13 and under this year - $1,000 cash. Visit the website at http://www.warrenpl.org to get more information. The program is for kids and adults this year. They will also have events. More info. is here.
June 8 Hot Rod Magazine Power Tour, Bowling Green- Warren County Regional Airport
June 10-12 Kentucky State H.O.G. Rally, headquarters Country Inn & Suites
June 11-12 Ice Cream and a Moovie, Chaney's Dairy Barn
June 12 BiG Cruise, National Corvette Museum"
June 10-12 Kentucky State H.O.G. Rally, headquarters Country Inn & Suites
June 11-12 Ice Cream and a Moovie, Chaney's Dairy Barn
June 12 BiG Cruise, National Corvette Museum"
June 12: Auction and Yard sale at Hillvue Heights Church 3219 Nashville Road. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Vintage clothing, antiques, appliances, furniture, and more will be there. Call 842-0012 for more info.
Do call for information on all these before going, just in case. Have a great week.
All for now,
Get an inexpensive web page or blog, lessons on software and how to use your computer, ESL (English as a Second Language) English and writing lessons, artist cards, graphic design, logo and form design, and more.
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- Corvette Museum wants to build race track across the highway (autoblog.com)
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- Great Escape Free Summer Movies Return! (momblognetwork.com)
- Beginners english course (slideshare.net)
art in Kentucky,
Bowling Green,
Bowling Green Kentucky,
Events in Bowling Green,
Kentucky free and cheap events,
Lost River cave,
music in Kentucky,
National Corvette Museum
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