These are some selected events in and around the area for this week.
Much thanks to the Bowling Green Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Other sites are listed at the end of this posting.
Much thanks to the Bowling Green Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Other sites are listed at the end of this posting.
December Happenings in and around Bowling Green, Kentucky.
This month: Veterans have free admission to the National Corvette Museum. Call 781-7973 for details. Also (from a Corvette Museum email) "The National Corvette Museum has named the entire month of December “Dollar Days” for residents of Kentucky who visit the Museum. All month long, Kentucky residents can tour the Museum for a $1.00 admission per person, and will only need to show a Kentucky drivers license to take advantage of the special offer. Children will be admitted at the $1.00 price with adults presenting the Kentucky identification." Also "Visitors can also take a chance to win a 2011 Corvette or Camaro for only $10 and do some holiday shopping in the Corvette Store."
Thank you, Western Kentucky University, for having so many great events this month! You can see more events at the WKU News Upcoming Events page.
12/2-12/12 Public Theatre of Kentucky, 545 Morris Alley, Bowling Green, presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Dec. 2-12, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets are $13 adults, $10 students and seniors, $8 under 12 and are available by calling 781-6233.
12/2-12/12 Public Theatre of Kentucky, 545 Morris Alley, Bowling Green, presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Dec. 2-12, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets are $13 adults, $10 students and seniors, $8 under 12 and are available by calling 781-6233.
From the WCVK page: "12/2-12/12 Public Theatre of Kentucky, 545 Morris Alley, Bowling Green, presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Dec. 2-12, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets are $13 adults, $10 students and seniors, $8 under 12 and are available by calling 781-6233." (Reservations are required)
"12/3-12/22 32nd annual Trees of Christmas at Eloise Houchens Center, 1115 Adams St., Bowling Green, will be Dec. 3-22, weekdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sundays 1-4 p.m. Admission is free. Help local children keep a little warmer this winter by making a donation of hats, gloves, and scarves. For more information call 842-6761."
From the SoKy Happenings page: "Military Appreciation Month 8:00AM - 5:00PM FREE Admission the Month of November for All Military, including Police and Firemen, and their immediate families/National Corvette Museum 781-7973 (Bring a military id or copy of DD-214)"
WKU is having their Fall Graduating Seniors Art exhibition this month until the 18th. at Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Gallery, FAC and the Corridor Gallery. Call 745-3944.
Thanks, SoKy Happenings, for this news and many cheap and free events shared on this posting. You can go to the SoKy Happenings website to see more.
From the WCVK Community Happenings Pages: Now-11/30 Bowling Green/Warren County Special Olympics is having signups for athletes and volunteer coaches now through Nov. 30 for basketball teams for the 2010-2011 season which begins in December. Practices are only twice per week. For more information call Bowling Green Parks and Recreation at 393-3584.
Also: (from WCVK) "Now-12/9 The Vision Multi-Agency Council is collecting retail store gift cards and cash donations now through Dec. 9 to provide Christmas Assistance for youth 13 years of age through high school. Donations can be dropped off at Community Education, Housing Authority of Bowling Green, and the WKU ALIVE Center. For more information call Nancy Booth at 782-0903. "
And from the SoKy Happenings site: "Holiday Greeting Cards 8:00AM - 5:00PM Will be available this Month for people to write messages for our troops-The cards will be sent overseas in late November/National Corvette Museum 781-7973."
Santa photos and visits are this month at Dillards Court at Greenwood Mall through December 24th. Call 782-9047 for hours each day.
Riverview at Hobson Grove is having Victorian Holiday Tours from the 23rd until Dec. 19th (except Thanksgiving, when they are closed.) Call 843-5565 or go to their site at
The Historic Railpark and Museum has a Festival of Trains on Dec. 4th and 5th.
The Kentucky Museum on WKU's campus has a Holiday Trees and Ornaments exhibit right now. You can see some pictures of them at their Facebook page here. You can see more events at the Calendar Page.
This month until the 17th, the Warren County Public Library is collecting gently used mittens, coats, gloves, scarves, and hats for children and adults. They will go on Mitten Trees at the libraries. Call 781-4882 for more info.
Santa photos and visits are this month at Dillards Court at Greenwood Mall through December 24th. Call 782-9047 for hours each day.
Riverview at Hobson Grove is having Victorian Holiday Tours from the 23rd until Dec. 19th (except Thanksgiving, when they are closed.) Call 843-5565 or go to their site at
The Historic Railpark and Museum has a Festival of Trains on Dec. 4th and 5th.
The Kentucky Museum on WKU's campus has a Holiday Trees and Ornaments exhibit right now. You can see some pictures of them at their Facebook page here. You can see more events at the Calendar Page.
This month until the 17th, the Warren County Public Library is collecting gently used mittens, coats, gloves, scarves, and hats for children and adults. They will go on Mitten Trees at the libraries. Call 781-4882 for more info.
Monday, December 6th
(These are not in any kind of time or like order.)
WinterDance by the WKU Dance Company is tonight at 8 p.m. at WKU's Russell Miller Theater. Here is information from the WKU Potter College web page. Tickets are $10.00.
The BG Public Library is having a free computer class, Excel Basics from 6-7:30- p.m. at the Main Branch. Call 781-4882 for more info. You must pre-register.
Pet Night with Santa is tonight at the Grenwood Mall 6-9 p.m. 782-9047
WKU has a Student Organization Holiday Trees exhibit at the Kentucky Room of the Kentucky Museum on WKU's campus. 745-6082. Call for hours they are open.
The Trees of Christmas event is at the Eloise B. Houchens Center on Dec. 4th at 1115 Adams Street. It is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. From the WCVK page: "Admission is free. Help local children keep a little warmer this winter by making a donation of hats, gloves, and scarves. For more information call 842-6761." Also featured is "Movies Through the Years."
The WC Main Library is having a Gingerbread House Party at 6 p.m. for ages 4 and up and their parent or caregiver. Supplies are provided, but you must pre-register to attend. Call 781-4882.
Tuesday, December 7th
Santa Visits and Photos are today at Greenwood Mall at Dillard's Court from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Also, A Magic Snow Show will be at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. also. Call 782-9047.
Hardin Planetarium (WKU) has a show, The Star of Bethlehem, tonight at 7 p.m. It is first-come, first served seating and is free. Come a bit early for a seat. 745-4044.
A free computer class, Job Hunting Online, is at the Main Library from 2-3 p.m. today. Call to pre-register. 781-4882.
A free computer class on the MacBook computer will be today from 6-7 p.m. at the Bob Kirby Branch library. The class is Genealogy Sources Online. You must pre-register; call 782-0252.
Wednesday, December 8th
A free computer class is today at the Main Library from 2-3 p.m., Ebay for Beginners. Call 781-4882 to pre-register.Another free computer class, E-mail basics, is from 6-7 p.m. at the Main Branch library. call 781-4882 to pre-register.
WKU's Physics and Astronomy department have a free public telescope viewing tonight at 7 p.m. at Thompson Complex Central Wing. Call 745-5940 for info.
Thursday, December 9th
A Walk Through Bethlehem event is at Grace Baptist Church, BG from 6-9 p.m. Free hot dogs and cookies, almost 80 costumed participants. 110 Mark Trail, exit 7 off Natcher Pkwy. 781-5355.Special Olympic Athletes and their families are invited to a Special Pops Dinner from 6-9 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club on Scott Way. There will be food, games and prizes. Volunteers are needed. Call Nicole at 393-3265 or 393-3480.
The Main Branch Library has an event today called a Family Christmas Celebration and Winter Reading Kick-Off. Free and open to the public. Featured: Lesley Montgomery, Elizabeth Hayes, and Jack Montgomery ("Watersprite"). Crafts, a book reading, snacks, and more. Call 781-4882 for more info.
A free Poker Tournament benefit takes place at 7 p.m. at Berlenz Bar and Grill. find out more: 270-904-0170. Help Toys for Tots.
Hardin Planetarium (WKU) has a show, The Star of Bethlehem, tonight at 7 p.m. It is first-come, first served seating and is free. Come a bit early for a seat. 745-4044.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever plays at 7 p.m. at the Phoenix Theater. Tickets are $13.00 for adults and $8.00 for children under 12. Call for reservations. 781-6233.
Friday, December 10th
From the WCVK page: "12/10/10 The Symphony at WKU presents its annual Holiday Pops Concert Dec. 10, 8 p.m. in Van Meter Hall. Hear such holiday favorites as A Christmas Festival and Bugler’s Holiday. The Bowling Green Western Choral Society will join The Symphony in The Many Moods of Christmas. Tickets start at $5 for students and discounts are offered for groups of 10 or more. For tickets or more information call 745-7681.
More info: The Holiday Pops concert is today at WKU at 8 p.m. at Van Meter Auditorium. Tickets are $22.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. 745-5222.
Today is Shopping Day at the Houchens Center from 10-4. 1115 Adams Street. See the Trees of Christmas, buy presents from artists. 842-6761. Laura Bain-Selbo from The Pots Place has her work there today.
Fall Pickle Ball from 11-1 is today at the F.O. Moxley Community Center. $1.00 for the day, or pay $5.00 for the season. 393-3249.
Riverview at Hobson Grove is having a Christmas Tea and Tour today at 2 p.m.. Tickets are $18.00 each. Call to pre-register at 843-5565.
A play, Furry Tales with a Twist, is at WKU at the Gordon Wilson Lab Theater at 4 p.m. Tickets are $4.00 for adults, and $3.00 for 12 and under. 745-5845.
A free MacBook computer class is today Teen Scene, making Comics with computers. It is from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the Bob Kirby Branch library. Call 782-0252 to pre-register.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever plays at 8 p.m. at the Phoenix Theater. Tickets are $13.00 for adults and $8.00 for children under 12. Call for reservations. 781-6233.
A Walk Through Bethlehem event is at Grace Baptist Church, BG from 6-9 p.m. Free hot drinks and cookies, almost 80 costumed participants. 110 Mark Trail, exit 7 off Natcher Pkwy. 781-5355.
One Holy Night will be held at Trinity Free Will Baptist Church from 6:30 - 9 p.m. Performances are every 15-20 minutes by a cast of almost 100 people. 904-3803.
A Jingle Bell Jump (Parent's Night Out) will be held at Natcher Elementary from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $15.00 per registered child or $20. at the door. Presented by the Jumpin' Jaguars. 535-3370.
Barnes and Noble is holding a Polar Express Story time at 7 p.m. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served. 746-9779.
Another free computer class is at the Bob Kirby Branch library at 2-3 p.m., Introduction to Computers. Call 782-0252 to pre-register.
Saturday, December 11th
Rich Pond Elementary is having a Christmas Breakfast with Santa today from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. All you can eat pancakes, 2 pcs. of sausage or bacon and a drink. Tickets are $600 for adults and $4.00 for children. Proceeds support a 5th grade trip to Washington DC in February.
Chaney's Dairy Barn is having a Breakfast with Santa event from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. today. It is a reservation-only event. You can call to reserve a spot starting on November 1st. (From the website: "Reservations will guarantee a seat, but not where you will sit"). 843-5567. (Parents, bring your camera).
Chaney's Dairy Barn is also having a Singer-Songwriter night to benefit New Beginnings Therapeutic Riding. Dan Modlin and Carla Schooler will perform. No cover charge. Donations accepted. 782-6496.
A Walk Through Bethlehem event is at Grace Baptist Church, BG from 6-9 p.m. Free hot drinks and cookies, almost 80 costumed participants. 110 Mark Trail, exit 7 off Natcher Pkwy. 781-5355.
A play, Furry Tales with a Twist, is at WKU at the Gordon Wilson Lab Theater at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. (2 shows). Tickets are $4.00 for adults, and $3.00 for 12 and under. 745-5845.
Bob Kirby Branch library is having Family Story Time today at 10:30 a.m. 782-0252.
Barnes and Noble is holding a Polar Express Story time at 11:30 a.m. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served. 746-9779.
Eastwood Baptist Church at 500 Eastwood, BG, is holding a Christmas Musical today with orchestra and singers at 6 p.m. This is at no cost to the public. Child care is available for children 4 and under. 842-7867.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever plays at 8 p.m. at the Phoenix Theater. Tickets are $13.00 for adults and $8.00 for children under 12. Call for reservations. 781-6233.
One Holy Night will be held at Trinity Free Will Baptist Church from 6:30 - 9 p.m. Performances are every 15-20 minutes by a cast of almost 100 people. 904-3803.
Sunday, December 12th
St. James UMC is having a Christmas Choral Cantata today featuring "The Shepherd's Song" at 10:30 a.m. The public is welcome. 575 Winfield Drive, just down from Keriakes Park. 842-4949.
Photos with Santa take place from 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. today at the Greenwood Mall by Dillard's.
A Walk Through Bethlehem event is at Grace Baptist Church, BG from 6-9 p.m. Free hot drinks and cookies, almost 80 costumed participants. 110 Mark Trail, exit 7 off Natcher Pkwy. 781-5355.
The Bowling Green Women's Club Christmas Home Tour is today from 1-5. Proceeds benefit the WKU Scholarship Fund. $10.00 for advanced tickets, and $12.00 day of event. Call Mary Lou Kirby 779-6122 or Debbie Underwood 843-8576. Tickets can be purchased at any home or business on the tour, and in advance from club member or Lucy's Fine Gifts at 1945 Scottsville Road, behind Rafferty's.
A Nutcracker Fantasy Ballet is being held today at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. by reservation only from Dance Arts of Bowling Green, 842-6811. An interactive ballet for ages 2-6 years. The ballet is followed by a tea party with Clara and the Nutcracker prince. Call ahead for reservations. (This sounds fun!)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever plays at 3 p.m. at the Phoenix Theater. Tickets are $13.00 for adults ($10 students and seniors) and $8.00 for children under 12. Call for reservations. 781-6233.
A play, Furry Tales with a Twist, is at WKU at the Gordon Wilson Lab Theater at 3 p.m. Tickets are $4.00 for adults, and $3.00 for 12 and under. 745-5845.
Barnes and Noble is holding a Polar Express Story time at 3:30 p.m. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served. 746-9779.
December 18th: Chaney's Dairy Barn is having a Breakfast with Santa event from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. It is a reservation-only event. You can call to reserve a spot starting on November 1st. (From the website: "Reservations will guarantee a seat, but not where you will sit").
December 13-16 will be the Polar Express Event. Polar Express readings in the Dining Car at the Historic RailPark and Museum. You must pre-register. Call 270-745-7317. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
December 13-16 will be the Polar Express Event. Polar Express readings in the Dining Car at the Historic RailPark and Museum. You must pre-register. Call 270-745-7317. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
12/2-12/12 Public Theatre of Kentucky, 545 Morris Alley, Bowling Green, presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Dec. 2-12, Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets are $13 adults, $10 students and seniors, $8 under 12 and are available by calling 781-6233.
Also from the WCVK site: "Til Further Notice Madison Ave. General Baptist Church, 1617 Madison Ave., Bowling Green, serves a free hot breakfast the 2nd and last Saturdays of each month, 8-10 a.m. They have sausage, biscuits and gravy, eggs, fried taters, and coffee. All are welcome. For more information call 303-0530."
Check out the club information at the Daily News page here:
Important: always check each event before going to it in case of a typo or a correction is needed. Mostly I am totally perfect, (haha) but make an occasional mistake. Oops.
I type these up really fast, but try to get it all right each time.
Send me your events! Thanks.
The cute haunted bat drawing is from the Clkr art site at
A big thanks to these great sites:
The Official Tourism Site - Visit Bowling Green, KY
The WBKO BG Community Events Page at
The SOKY Happenings magazine and website
The Historic Railpark
The WCVK Community Happenings Page
The Bowling Green Convention and Visitors Bureau
Bowling Green Events
The My Kentucky Events site
The District Events Page
The Downtown Redevelopment page
The clip art at the top and bottom of this blog posting is from Microsoft at
City Events
Sign up for the What's Happening This Week email - it's full of events from the Bowling Green Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.

My sites:
The Nontrad site and blog for students going back to school after a break.
The Moon and the Willow Tree blog
Betsy's CGC, Bowling Green, Kentucky
From the WCVK site: "Save money on transportation costs every day with GO bg transit! GO bg transit provides 5 fixed routes, two Saturday Shopping Shuttles, and numerous other shuttles to serve Bowling Green. Purchase a GO Pass and ride for $1 a trip. Students Passes are $40 per semester for unlimited rides. For more information visit or call 782-3162, ext. 238.
BGAMUG: Have more fun and do more with your computer. Join the BGAMUG computer club! Meeting is every fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. See http:/ or call 781-8504.
This ornaments photo is by Jennifer Donley at Flickr.