Showing posts with label the Farmer's Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Farmer's Market. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Here is a posting to help you get motivated - and start your garden.

This blog posting is mostly for me.

It is a reminder posting that THIS year could be a GREAT year for a garden.

Yes, I've been looking again at seed catalogs.

Now to gather up all my seeds and do some serious planning.

Today (New Year's Day) I will be eating Lucky Foods.

An important thing for today is to remember that NOW is the time for starting seedlings. I have a couple of grow lights, and a little table. And seeds. So...I CAN do it, I am telling myself. Will I? I hope so. I do love fresh, healthy foods.

I and Rickey have been buying lots more healthy foods at the new Farmer's Market too.

But you can't beat almost-free, which goes along with growing your own food. You CAN do it (I am telling myself).

Have a GREAT day today.


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Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Garden is coming into view, and the War on Weeds is going pretty well, considering they have the upper hand.

I actually have some flowers out there, plus a great SPOT for the garden.

As I have declared war again this year on my weeds and overhanging branches, they are still winning for the most part, but my Plan B for the Back Yard is going forward.
I am lucky to have fast-growing grass and green stuff that fills in for it. And cows across the street, plus hawks, moles, rabbits, songbirds, and more to round out the picture.

How is your garden growing?  Well, I hope! The Farmer's Market at the Old Mall was full of wonderful heirloom tomatoes, potatoes, flowers, jam, pottery, dogs, babies in slings, and smiles today.

We'll be back.


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