Bowling Green, Kentucky has a free medical clinic that is available for people who live in the area, work fulltime, and do not have medical or dental insurance. People who use the services also may not be on any other social assistance program. It is called the Commonwealth Health Corporation Free Clinic. Doctors and nurses from the area donate their time to help here.
They have a website here and their hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 4:00 and Friday 8 a.m. to 12 noon. They have a Senior Medication Program and a newsletter, too.
What a great service they are doing for the community.

Other hospitals in the area also have programs they offer to help local people. One is connected to the Free Clinic - and has the same parent company. It's the Medical Center. I didn't know this before today.
The Medical Center has a Community Wellness Program that shows many community events and services. Their programs include support groups, screenings, and even a watercolor class which starts in February. The cost comes to only $6.60 per class, which is a good deal. Their phone number is (270) 745-1000.
Greenview has a Community Calendar that shows a H2U service for people 50 and over for only $15.00 per year, per person. It includes test days with checkup tests. The January test day is next Tuesday, January 8th, from 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. I called 800-242-5662 for more information and it took awhile to get it, but I think it was worth it.
Here it is:

You will need to call ahead to double-check if you are going to the January H2U test day at Greenview, though, because the calendar is not correct. I was told that they will NOT offer the flu shot in January. Although it says that a Flu Vaccine will be offered that day, it is only a misprint. They did offer it in previous months.

Also, you will need to use Microsoft Internet Explorer's browser if you have it, in order to see this calendar. Firefox did not work for this page.