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I love the flowers sprouting forth in town. Photo Credit: zigazu76 on Flickr. |
Find more events at my Events Listings pages list.
It's time for Girl Scout Camp!
New! Now are signups for Girl Scout Camp in the Kentuckiana area.
Check out this page
to find out more:
Summer Resident
Camp 2013.
Also, there are more FREE concerts and pay and free events at WKU this month.
FYI: April 22-26 is National Volunteer Week.
Thursday, April 25th: The National Corvette Museum Bash continues today starting at 8 a.m. and continuing. Find out more: The National Corvettte Museum Bash page.
Saturday, April 27th: via the WCVK Community Happenings Page: "4/27/13 CASA Superhero Run/Walk presented by Bowling Green Athletic Club will be Saturday, April 27th at 5:00 pm at Kereiakes Park, 1220 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, Ky. You are encouraged to dress up like your favorite superhero to show your spirit as a hero against child abuse and neglect. Event registration and check In starts at 4:00 pm $20 per person for the run/walk, There will be a relay as well $15 a person or $45 for a 3 person team. A family dash for families with small children at not cost but please register for it. Call 270-782-5353 for more information."
April 26-28 Camper’s Appreciation Weekend at Barren River lake State Park
Friday, April 26th: The National Corvette Museum Bash continues today starting at 8 a.m. and continuing. Find out more: The National Corvettte Museum Bash page.
Friday, April 26th is also the Hope for the Homeless day Event at at the South Central Bank Campbell Lane parking lot. Bring canned goods, money, and nonperishable personal items to the event to help the homeless via family resources centers and Hotel, Inc.
The Hotel Inc. site says: "April 26-29, Hope for HOMELESS – hosted by the Southern KY REALTOR’s Association, located at South Central Bank on Campbell Lane. Donations of food, tents, sleeping bags, tarps, hygiene items, cleaning supplies and monetary will be accepted. You can participate in the event by camping out for the night or weekend too. 2013 Hope for [...]"
Saturday, April 27th: The National Corvette Museum Bash continues today starting at 8 a.m. and continuing. Find out more: The National Corvettte Museum Bash page.
Also Saturday, April 27th: From the WCVK Community Happenings Page: "4/27/13 2013 Household Hazardous Waste and E-Scrap Day will be taking place on Saturday, April 27th at the Eastwood Baptist Church parking lot, 500 Eastwood Street, Bowling Green ,Ky. From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Free disposal of items such as paint , chemicals, Household appliances, and electronics. For more information please call: 270-843-5353 or go to www.warrencountygov.com."
Saturday, April 27th: The Hope for the Homeless event continues today at South Central Bank's parking lot on Campbell Lane. See the description here.
From the Lost River Cave website:
"April 27 from 1-4pm - Join friends and neighbors as we help rid the park of invasive plants and restore the natural habitat. An on-going project; invasive removal is key to improving the forested Valley. Come for the entire time, or stay as long as you can - all help is appreciated. Register in advance for special door prizes... Be sure to wear sturdy shoes; long pants and sleeves are recommended as Poison Oak may be encountered.
Contact Annie at 270.393.0077 or annie@lostrivercave.com for details. - Registration Form"
Saturday, April 27th: Today is also an Arbor Day Celebration 9 a.m. to noon at Keriakes Park. http://www.bgky.org/tree/events.php. There will be free trees available.
(via WCVK) "4/27/13 CASA Superhero Run/Walk presented by Bowling Green Athletic Club will be Saturday, April 27th at 5:00 pm at Kereiakes Park, 1220 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, Ky. You are encouraged to dress up like your favorite superhero to show your spirit as a hero against child abuse and neglect. Event registration and check In starts at 4:00 pm $20 per person for the run/walk, There will be a relay as well $15 a person or $45 for a 3 person team. A family dash for families with small children at not cost but please register for it. Call 270-782-5353 for more information."
Saturday, April 27th (via WCVK) "4/27/13 Grow Golf Bowling Green, Free Youth Golf Clinic, will be offered on Saturday, April 27th from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. At the Gold Course at Riverview, 1200 West Main Street, Bowling Green, Ky. Pre-registration is encouraged. Contact Bowling Green Parks and Recreation at 270-393-3249."
Sunday, April 28th: The Hope for the Homeless event continues today at South Central Bank's parking lot on Campbell Lane. See the description here.
Monday, April 29th: The Hope for the Homeless event continues today at South Central Bank's parking lot on Campbell Lane. See the description here.
You can see all the events listed by the ALIVE Center for April here.
Some events coming up are:
Sunday, May 5th: Get in to the Historic Railpark and Train Museum for only $5.00 today from 1-4 (because it's the 5th). Just mention the 5th Anniversary.
Friday, May 10th: From the South Central Kentucky Coalition on Homelessness FB page: "Job Readiness Workshop, pass along the information to anyone this could benefit: Life & Money Matters, a job readiness and information workshop will be held at the Housing Authority of Bowling Green - Learning Center on 247 Double Springs Road. The event begins at 9:00AM; registration will open at 8:30AM - all workshops will conclude at 12:00PM. Several local service agencies are participating and free health screenings will be available. Information about personal empowerment such as couponing, health screening, stress management, and job readiness will be provided through 4 mini-workshops. Light refreshments will be served. There is no cost to attend and all residents within the community and surrounding areas are welcome. For more information call Susan Weber at 467-7156. "
May 17th is the All-American Soapbox Derby.
Also check to the right here on this blog for more event links, AND at the top for the "BG Event Sites" tab and also the Art Around Town tab.
Always check out each event before attending by calling and making sure the event is going on, and the date and time is correct.
Here are some recent postings here on this blog.
The Garden Spot - Garden Dreaming.
A walk in Riverwalk and Weldon Peete Park
About International Women's Day
Join me on my Fan Page on Facebook
And join me on Pinterest!

Here is my Squidoo Page: Fun Things to Do in Bowling Green, Kentucky for even more ideas.
Check out the City Events Calendars too.
A big thanks again goes to: The Bowling Green Daily News, Soky Happenings Magazine, The Amplifier Online, WKU Events online, The Bowling Green Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Bowling Green Parent magazine, the WCVK Happenings pages and WBKO's Community Events Calendar, the free Clker site and also the Microsoft Images pages.
Info. for Nontrads...
Are you a Nontraditional Student, going back to school after a break? Check out the Nontrad Site and Blog.
The Nontraditional Student Website
The Nontraditional Student blog
Are you a Nontraditional Student, going back to school after a break? Check out the Nontrad Site and Blog.
The Nontraditional Student Website
The Nontraditional Student blog

My Personal Page and blog
The Nontrads site and blog
My Squidoo pages
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Join me on Twitter as @betsyanne or @nontrads