Hi, all! Checking in... with news about this summer's garden.
It's time to start seeds for the garden - - now or soon, depending on what you want to grow.
I have grown tomatoes and peppers before. Before Covid, I could wait until after most people bought plants, then buy some for me at a discount. This was a wise and fun method, until Covid.
Now, I plan to plant seeds instead. I have a grow mat, and some seeds for this year. I hope to save some of the seeds for next year also.
Before planting seedlings, though, I have some work to do. :-)
The saplings around the garden area must be cut, as well as trimmed. Then I will need to also rake the area, and turn the soil over.
But all will be worth it.
Whether I do some, or a lot of planting, it will be a good thing.
I am looking forward to it!
I hope this posting finds you well and happy. Stay safe!
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