Friday, March 26, 2010

It's gardening time!

Are you growing a garden this year?

It's cheap.... or even free to plant a garden this year, at least for me, because I have an assortment of seeds to use.

Do you have seeds from last year? You can plant them directly in the ground sometimes, (for peas, corn...) and you can also buy plants already started.

Growing your own produce and vegetables can help you save a lot of money this year. Some all-time favorites for this area are tomatoes, peppers, and flowers.

Here are some articles about gardening from the Moon and the Willow tree, a sister blog of this one.
Planning my garden (2009)
The Baker Creek Seed catalog (2009) - there are some great pictures and ideas here.

Here are some links to help get YOUR garden started:

Susan Duricek's (Kentucky gardening) blog
The Johnson Family Farm blog
Kathy's Garden and Art blog (Whitehouse, TN)
The Garden Desk (Northern Kentucky)
Steve Snedeker's Landscaping and Gardening blog (Louisville)
Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky
Kentucky farming, composting, and gardening blogs
All kinds of sustainable Gardening blogs from across the country

- Betsyanne

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